Blue Water Maritime ship's agency has a diverse range of client ships that we serve in Puerto Rico's ports. We first started offering agency service for tankers back when Sun Oil operated a refinery in the port of Yabucoa. Now that refinery and all the other refineries in Puerto Rico are closed and repurposed as large tank farms which accept bulk fuel deliveries from tanker ships and distribute fuel on the island. Sometimes the various types of fuel oils and gasoline come from large refineries in India, or Houston or Venezuela or even Aruba. Sometimes it comes from other large tank farms depending on the price and availability of the commodity.

Blue Water is a small efficient operation that can offer agency fees much lower than the larger agencies.

Normally we are unable to get any photos or videos of the tankers we bring in because, understandably, the big oil company tank farms do not allow photos or videos of either the ships or the terminals where the bulk cargo is discharged. This time our client vessel the M/T "High Current" was scheduled for an annual U.S. Coast Guard inspection while she was in port and that inspection was held at anchor. I took the following video from the small launch we hired to bring out the Coast Guard inspection team. Surprisingly the Coast Guard didn't have a boat available.

Please call Blue Water (787) 378-6190 to request a quote for bunkering in Puerto Rico. We offer diesel and other fuel oils at terminals, such as Peerless in Puerto Rico’s south coast, and we understand how important a fast bunkering stop is especially when at such competitive rates.
